So, you want to live in Australia; that’s a good idea because they are some of the nicest people around the world. Living in Australia means you not only get to experience good company but also outdoor barbeque parties, hikes, and even going to the beach as part of your everyday life. What that also entails is that you will be soaking up the sun so much, it’s unavoidable. Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, so while you enjoy your time in the country, it’s important to know about the signs and symptoms of skin cancer.
What is skin cancer?
Skin cancer is the development of abnormal cells that invade and spread to the skin. But don’t worry; when detected early, skin cancer can be highly treatable. However, leaving it unnoticed or untreated can lead to serious complications, so if you’re unsure about that strange new spot or mole, it might be time to book an appointment, maybe at the Berwick skin cancer centre?
Now that we covered the basics, let’s break down some of the most common signs to look out for:
Changes in moles or spots. One of the clearest indicators of a skin cancer is when a mole has significant changes from the last time you noticed it. To be sure of this, the ABCDE method is a good rule of thumb to follow to catch the changes early on: Asymmetry, Border, Colour, Diameter, and Evolution.
Unexplained redness or swelling. Skin cancer sometimes manifests as swelling or redness around a mole or spot, which also means that the skin underneath is undergoing changes.
Persistent itching or bleeding. Skin issues can cause irritation; however, persistent symptoms in a specific area should not be ignored, as sometimes this signals that something is not right and should be checked.
Sores that don’t heal. Non-healing sores are a warning sign, especially those that scab over and reopen, as this might be an early symptom of skin cancer that might often get overlooked.
New growths or lumps. If you have noticed that your skin has become scaly or red from irritation, that might be a sign that there are new lumps or growths, especially if the area of the skin gets the most sun exposure.
Why Visit a Skin Cancer Centre?
If you plan on staying in Australia for a long time or have a family history of skin cancer, regular skin checks are important just to monitor the condition of your skin. A specialised clinic like Berwick Skin Cancer Centre can help ensure that you are getting the expert care you need, and they do this by having advanced facilities that can monitor and treat suspicious areas in your skin. Of course, this won’t be possible without the expertise of their staff.
In any situation, prevention is better than cure.
No one wants to get sick just by enjoying the things that you love, so while you are having the time of your life, you might also want to be mindful of your health.