School Holidays – Top 5 Tips to look after your needs!

School holidays are upon us which can be fun, frenetic and frazzled for parents. It is wonderful to have extra time with your kids but it takes a lot of time and energy to keep up with them and keep them entertained.

Parents often neglect their own needs during school holidays and are left feeling exhausted by the end of it, counting the final days until school returns.

These school holidays look after your own needs as well as your kids by following some/all of these tips:

Tip 1 – Make the most of child-friendly businesses

So school holidays means you have the kids with you A LOT! And 99% of things you do revolve around them. However, you shouldn’t ignore the fact that there are things you want to do to meet your own needs. There are a surprising number of child-friendly businesses around (if you know where to find them) … so make the most of them during school holidays

Tip 2 – Swap ‘play dates’ with other families

Is the chaos of taking you child/ren out and about any greater if you take a friend or two of theirs? Probably not. Swap a play date morning/afternoon with another family … that way you both get a few hours just for yourself … what a gift!

Tip 3 – Find a café near a park to meet friends

Spring has sprung so let the kids run crazy in the park for a while. There are some great cafes located next to parks around town. Grab a take-away coffee, a scrumptious bite to eat with friends … park yourself under a tree for a chat whilst the kids burn off school term energy!

Tip 4 – Let the kids cook dinner

School holidays doesn’t give us a break from the household chores that need doing. Depending on the age of your children see if you can find fun ways for them to help out such as cook dinner one night (even if that means toasted sandwiches); help in the garden; basic cleaning etc. You will be surprised what children will do if you can find a way to position as a ‘game’!

Tip 5 – Have a night out … without kids

School holidays is the perfect time to organise a ‘date night’ with your partner or perhaps a Girls Night Out. Book a babysitter or the grandparents or even swap a sleepover with another family. You will be amazed at how a fun night out (minus children) helps recharge your batteries.

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