Gifts to Buy When Your Someones is Expecting

We all love getting something in our mail. After all, a small box containing a few goods will alleviate the dread related to bills or boredom associated with getting junks each day.

Most recently, the popularity of beauty boxes has increased. And because the trend has continued to rise, companies are narrowing their focus on delivering boxes for particular recipients. Most of them are now focusing on expecting mothers. If you are planning to buy a gift for your expecting friend, here are a few ideas to try.

A bump journal

During the pregnancy period, most mothers will do a lot of thinking. Your friend might be spending most of her time dealing with positive and negative thoughts about the pregnancy, the birth, and the baby’s first Christmas.  A place to write down every thought will be helpful to your friend. During her free time, she will manage to jot down her to-do lists, the potential names for her baby and the pregnancy symptoms she has experienced. Moreover, a bump journal will help your friend start bonding with the unborn child and provide her with a good outlet of emotions. Some journals provide a section for the mother to write letters to the unborn baby.

Maternity Pyjamas

Maternity clothes are expensive and if the expecting friend is on a tight budget, she will have to remain savvy about anything she buys. She will plausibly save a large percentage of her earnings to start spending when the baby arrives or to spend on the clothes. A pair of maternity pyjamas might be all she needs. After all, she will spend most of her time wearing pyjamas. Maternity jeans might be comfortable, but not as comfortable as the pyjamas. That is because she will be struggling to get into her nightwear and even the oversized t-shirts might feel tight after the pregnancy. A pyjama will remind her that she is important.

A pamper kit

The body changes significantly during pregnancy. The tummy grows, the breasts grow and it becomes hard to see anything that is below your bump. It might be hard to shave the legs and painting the toenails. Self-care is important and will make a big difference in how your expecting friend feels. Get her some pamper products so that she can start indulging herself when at home. The kit will include facemasks, massage oil, and leave-in hair conditioner and body lotions.

A body pillow

A body pillow is important for every pregnant woman. A body pillow is a human-sized pillow that your friend can rest the bump on, cuddle and throw both legs over. Enjoying your sleep during pregnancy can be hard, apart from the first trimester when pregnant women spend most of their time sleeping. The giant bump makes it hard to get into comfortable positions and may cause backaches.

The gift of time

If your friend has kids, it can be hard to get adequate time to herself or with her partner. Offering to babysit from time to time or to take the kids out for several hours can be a great idea. Your friend will get much needed time.

Moreover, you can keep her company for a few hours. Invite her for a lunch break at your favourite café. Alternatively, you can drop in when on your way home and bring her some food. Remember to call to ensure that she is ready for visitors.

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