If you are among the many people who love gardens, building a temporary fence is among the most important things you might be planning to do in your home. It is always good to build the temporary fence 6 feet tall. You can buy the slats individually but in prefabricated 8-foot sections. People use individual slats for fence repair and installation adjustments. To erect the temporary fence, follow the following procedures.
– Layout the locations for your corner and end posts
Start by marking the spots on the locations for end posts and corner posts. Use rebar or other types of flag so that you can easily adjust the locations when necessary. A fence is easier to build when the surface is level – you can make adjustments for slight grades. Set the end and corner posts carefully because the replacement might affect the appearance of your fence. For a 6-foot fence, use posts that are 8-10 inches tall. Square 4 by 4-inch posts are recommendable for the temporary fence but if you need more strength go for the 6 by 6 posts.
– Dig 24 inches deep holes
Dig holes that are 24 inches deep with a diameter around three times the width of the large posts. If the location of the fence is subject to the shear and vibration of high winds, you will have to dig holes that are deeper than 24 inches. Remember to tamp the bottom of each hole to increase the density. In case of soft soil, pour some concrete footer and wait for the curing before you go further.
– Place the posts and secure them
Even though you can use fill dirt, it will not be stable against wind shear. To secure the posts, fill the holes with a concrete mix or pack them with gravel. Gravel fill will not need curing and you will easily pull the posts if a need arises. Gravel allows water drainage, prevents wood rot and makes the fence flexible. A flexible fence will give slightly in wind.
– Place string lines between corner posts
To make the places for your mid-posts, string lines between the corner posts near the top of the post and do the same at the bottom. Dig the mud-holes in a similar way to that of the corner posts. Set the first posts 8 feet from the outer edge of the corner post. That way, you will be certain that your 8-foot panels will fit properly. Set the other mid-posts 8 foot apart keeping in mind that posts spaced at 4 foot will add more stability and strength to your temporary fence.
– Install the panels
After setting all the posts and cured, start installing the temporary fence panels. Start at the corner posts and nail or screw the panels to the posts. You can use spacers below the panels to hold them and leave the right gap between the panels and the ground.
When constructing a new fence to help keep the nosy neighbors out, start by locating the property line because the authorities will not allow you to build the fence on it. Even though the primary purpose of setting up a fence might be to prevent intruders, the fence should be aesthetically pleasing and should not hit the underground utilities.