Top 4 Beauty Hacks for New Moms

Motherhood has to be one the toughest full time jobs. So many moms around the world forget their own selves while looking after the needs of their little ones. Let us assure you one thing, it is absolutely not shameful to take care of yourself even if you are a nursing mom. New moms also deserve all the attention and care. After all, they go through endless pain to give birth to their babies.

We understand it gets really nerve-wrecking to follow post-pregnancy skin maintenance tips while your baby is crying for help. For this reason, we have some quick and easy beauty hacks to keep yourself on top of the fashion game.

  1. Sleep with a Braid

Got no time to curl your hair? We know what you can do to get those perfect waves and that undone look. All you need to do is a make a braid with slightly wet hair and sleep. It should be a million-dollar tip because there is actually no other way to achieve flawless curls so quickly. Open the braid when you wake up in the morning. You will totally fall in love with the waves and of course yourself.

  • Put on a Clear Nail Polish

Going out for a full spa day does not sound very practical when you have a baby depending on your for his needs. Even getting something as simple as manicure or pedicure haunts new moms. We have got a solution for this too. Simple trim and file your nails at home while your baby is asleep and coat your nails with a clear nail polish. This is time-saving and makes your nails look clean and fresh as ever.

  • Use Multipurpose Products

New motherhood is all about managing tasks without neglecting the baby. This is definitely the game of managing time efficiently. Using multipurpose products on skin is one of the best hacks to stay glamorous as a young mom. For instance, use a lip and cheek tint instead of using separate products for both. Similarly, use a sunscreen with moisturizer in it so you don’t have to spend time applying each product separately.

  • Low-maintenance Haircut

Treating your hair is among the most time taking jobs. This is why we see so many young moms embracing their natural hair. Most of them fear getting a haircut because the thought of maintaining their new haircut haunts them to the core. However, let us tell you that you can still get a haircut even if you delivered your baby like a month ago. Just go for the one that requires less maintenance. Don’t go for bob or angular cuts if you have frizzy and rough hair.

  • Eyelash Extension

Spending an hour on eye makeup does not seem practical either. Gather a little courage and go for an eyelash extension. You can also get easy-to-apply false eyelashes if you are not comfortable with the idea of eyelash extension. You can also look for false eyelashes for hooded eyes.

In a nutshell, don’t worry about losing your element after becoming a new mom. You can still do pretty much everything. All you need to do is play smart and be fearless! You can also follow Australian mothers blogs for regular tips and tricks.

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